26 February 2005 - 7 March 2025

This website provides access to the historic IRC logs of the development
of the Raku Programming Language. They are provided here as complete
as possible, either from
historic logs
or from the new Raku IRC logs.
Due to the nature of IRC, there can be no guarantee that these logs are
by any means complete: network issues can cause an IRC logger to lose
connection with the IRC server, while people are still chatting on an
IRC channel. However, considerable efforts have been made to fill any
gaps in the historical record.
Please enjoy the history of Raku, or check out current development on
the live pages of the channels that are active.
General forum for discussions about Raku
General forum for beginning Raku users
Where documentation maintainers hang out
Where Raku core developers hang out
Where developers of the MoarVM backend hang out
General forum for discussions about the Cro framework
General forum for discussions about the Red ORM
General forum for discussions about the MUGS framework
General forum for discussions about raku.land
Where game developers using Raku hang out
General forum for Raku Steering Council issues
Where general discussions about Perl 6 used to happen
Where Perl 6 core developers used to hang out
Where Perl 6 core developers used to hang out
Where discussions about Perl 6 macros used to happen
Where discussions about the Perl 6 toolchain used to happen